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Just upload a new pic~check it out!

Posted by bcindyfree on Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I just uploaded a new pic of me performing at my deceased beloved friend's funeral David Stephens of Johnston City, IL last Oct 2011 in Marion, IL. I miss David so much. He got to finally hear me play my violin the night of his death. So tragic. Dropped him off at his home after he came over to my home and the morning we got a call he was dead from a heart anareguism (sorry can't spell) another words had a heart attack. I miss him and his little dog, "sugar". He was a wonderful man who would help anybody out if he could very humble, giving person. My mother dated him for years and they kept the relationship a secret. He was like a father to me but mostly a best friend. I asked the family if I could play at his funeral a piece because I know David admired my talent so much. I volunteered and almost cried while playing...who wouldn't? I was very sick that day too had the flu but I loved David so much I did it anyway. Now this event has inspired me to want to play at more events so if you want a violinist at your beloved's funeral or wedding send me a message or call me. Don't worry about money. I will accept donations however. I appreciate the chance to play anytime, anywhere. Music is a passion and I don't like to get money involved really but it would help right now still my heart tells me no and my mind says yes. You  know what I mean? Anyways, I posted the pic of my performance for you guys to see and feel free to comment. I look forward to reading and discussing this special event with you. Thanks! Have a great day!

1 comment on “Just upload a new pic~check it out!”

richdissmore Says:
Wednesday, March 21, 2012 @11:32:21 AM

thats grate this was nice to play for your firends passing your a good person

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