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Brian Wood - Posted - 12/29/2023:  09:37:48

I recently noticed my fine, free fiddle tunes transcriptions website, FiddleTunes.net, isn't listed under "Links" on this site. So, I emailed the webmaster to ask that it be included. Nothing happened. No big deal, but it would seem to qualify. I'm pretty sure I asked years ago, too, and nothing happened. In fact, it doesn't seem as though that link has been updated in a long time. There must be many more good sites than what are listed there. It's also kind of buried and hard to find in the first place. Shouldn't "Links" be in the main Fiddle Hangout sidebar rather than a random listing under "More"?

Edited by - Brian Wood on 12/29/2023 09:38:30

Mobob - Posted - 12/29/2023:  18:47:23

makes sense to me that it ought to be.

ChickenMan - Posted - 12/29/2023:  20:51:11


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