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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Waterbound...I believe this was the first tune I ever played on the fiddle

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groundhogpeggy - Posted - 09/12/2023:  16:46:33

...back then...only about 15 years ago now since I really started playing, like, I mean, more than once every 5 years and with my own instrument...lol...but when I finally got a fiddle and retired from my little bottom rung job...lol...I had my fiddle in GDGD and played this tune for a while....anyhow...tonight I tuned it to GCGC...which of course turns everything inside out...but wanted to play it on my daughter's Deering Goodtime, since it's visitng our house for an undetermined amount of time now...and wanted to go to Double C to play. Just feeling very edgy and can't work on much else from nerves...but felt like a quiet little groundhog jam would be a good way to spend a little time to myself. I didn't do a scratch track, which is always a mistake...but I tried my best just to hang on...a well-known tune with no surprises and I've played it enough that I thought it wouldn't be too bad...there are rhythmic issues present...but...yeah...no scratch track...what can you expect? Anyhow...here it is...my medication to get through this day...lol...seriously...here it is...it's long...if you're sleepy or something, best to avoid this youtube...lol.


JonD - Posted - 09/12/2023:  20:27:47

So sweet! Nice way to end the day listening to your tracks Peggy! Thanks for this.

NCnotes - Posted - 09/13/2023:  13:01:08

Awesome, Peggy! And Cross-tuning sounds so good…If you ever get "back to North Carolina” look me upsmiley

Edited by - NCnotes on 09/13/2023 13:01:42

groundhogpeggy - Posted - 09/13/2023:  16:01:27

Thank you so much for listening and commenting, Jon!

Thanks, NC...we used to go to Winston-Salem on a regular basis...lol...Rex McGee country? At least close to Doc Watson country. Maybe one day we'll be back!

loy - Posted - 09/15/2023:  04:46:02

Really well done my friend! Nothing goes together better than clawhammer banjo and a fiddle imho! Great singing too as usual!

Erockin - Posted - 09/15/2023:  05:17:36

Someday I'd love to play in cross tune! Good stuff, Peggy!

groundhogpeggy - Posted - 09/15/2023:  18:44:53

Thanks, Loy! Hope things are going great out your way.

Erockin, I hope you enjoy cross tuning when you pick it up...fun stuff.

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