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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Super-Sensitive Brand Dark Violin Rosin

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soppinthegravy - Posted - 08/28/2018:  20:36:55

What are your thoughts concerning Super-Sensitive brand dark violin rosin? Is it good rosin, or would another kind be better?

Edited by - soppinthegravy on 08/28/2018 20:37:23

Slide - Posted - 08/29/2018:  12:53:35

I think Super-Sensitive is a pretty cheap brand all around and I'm always wary of their products... But that's just me. I use Bernadel, personally.

Johnny Rosin - Posted - 08/29/2018:  13:41:32

It works. I use cheaper rosin than that and it works too. I personally like Red Label strings a lot and use them when I can’t afford Prim. The strings typically last me a couple years and I play at least 2-3 hours a day and gig twice a week usually. Of course my current fiddle and bow together cost a total of $50, but it’s not the fiddle so much as the fiddler.

mackeagan - Posted - 08/29/2018:  17:43:05

I think the dark rosins tend to be stickier, which to me suggests more "bite" or pull on the strings, which I like. Super-sensitive's is probably allright, but you might want to try AB's or Hidersine's. I use Hill's Dark, which seems to work fine.

sbhikes2 - Posted - 12/06/2018:  08:05:36

I'm not sure what the criteria for "good" rosin is. I recently borrowed some rosin from someone and it was amazing. I also recently borrowed a bow from someone and it was also amazing. Turned out that bow had the same rosin on it. The rosin was called Jade rosin. It's green and it feels really smooth. The bow glides so easily and everything just sounds better. It doesn't get sticky. It has changed my life, as far as rosin is capable of that. But maybe what I like about it isn't what someone else would like. It's possibly worth a try since it really is noticeably different.

ChickenMan - Posted - 12/06/2018:  08:11:12

It is probably a perfectly fine rosin for old time music. I think it was what I used for years, along with whatever leftovers from ancient cases. I did, however, switch to Andrea Solo Violin rosin. Found it to smooth out the tone a little, something was different that I liked.

Fiddler - Posted - 12/06/2018:  10:04:21

I'll chime in … at one time long, long ago I used Supersensitive rosin. It was dusty and gave my fiddle that "old time" look. (which was not good for the finish!!) When I bought my first good bow, a friend recommended Hill's Dark or Jade. I was broke and couldn't afford much. I scraped together enough to buy the Hills - that was all that was available at that time. It was ok, but also dusty, and it lasted for years -- until I dropped it and it shattered into a thousand shards. By then my bank account had more cushion, so I bought Hill's again. It was familiar.

About 4 years ago, I was sent a trial sample of Magic Rosin. It is crystal clear. Since my cake of Hills was getting thin and brittle, I tried the Magic Rosin. WOW!! What a difference!!! Good grab. Not dusty, so there is also little build up on the strings. That little cake got used - a lot. I finally bought a new cake a year ago. I am still impressed and I still like it! It was around $10, if I remember correctly. It comes in its own plastic holder with a screw-on lid so you don't have to worry much about it shattering in you case.

I also like the "cool" factor. Yes, it is crystal clear and sits on top of a plastic plate with a small piece of artwork. The protective cover screws on. The one I have has a red foil lining that gives the rosin a irridescent glow. Others have designs and photos. (OK, I know that there is a "cool" factor with the other high quality rosins that have gold flecks or have a little foam or cloth wrapping. There's a little ritual in opening and closing the sachet holding the cake that can be used to intimidate lesser skilled players or competitors!)

Please note that I am not getting anything from Magic Rosin. I am just a very satisfied customer!

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